Profile of Artist:

Dr Jiwan Shukla is a renowned poet, novelist and a critic born in the year 1932 in a most respectable middle class family in a small village Khajuha in Fatehpur district in Uttar Pradesh. He enjoyed turmoil’s of life with the grace of God, earned bread and butter by serving in various organizations and finally retired as Head of Department in English language from a post graduate college.

He is one of the prime signature of Nav Geet ( Neo Lyrics) and is among important poets of Sathottari Kavita (post 60 poems) and precursor of Theme less Novel. (A New genre after stream of consciousness novel.)

Dr Jiwan Shukla has published eleven poetry collection, one Ghazal collection, two epics, and one Novel which has been recently published in English version also, entitled (LUST- Untold Story).One compilation of critical articles and three books in prose on different subjects.

PhD and D.Litt scholars have cited him in his contribution in their doctoral detestations since 1960.

Contact Detail:
Address: Dharam Dham, Gwal Maidan, Kannauj- 209725 (UP)
Phone No: 9794663052
Whats app No: 9415471813